Baby K#2 - 21 weeks 5 days

We had our ultrasound yesterday and was very excited to see baby K on the screen. Cecelia came with us and was able to see the baby also. The baby checked out good in all the areas of development expect one. When they measured the baby it came in at 19 weeks and 5 days, exactly 2 week smaller than I am suppose to be. I did have an ultrasound at 10 weeks and the baby was measuring at 5 days smaller which seemed very likely to me that this would be more accurate. They did not change my due date at that time since it was not that big of a difference. I have just been planning on having the baby in early February instead of late January. Yesterday's measurements are a little more significant since there is no way I can be off by two weeks. The doctors also measured by uterus and said that I am only measuring at 18-19 weeks instead of 21-22 weeks. He didn't seem to be to concerned at this point since everything else with the baby looked great. Heart rate was at 155 and the baby is kicking me all the time. He thinks this may just be a small baby which is crazy since Cecelia was 8lbs 7ozs. They scheduled another ultrasound for my next visit in 4 weeks so be can track the baby's progress. As long as the baby is growing on the same curve and is not falling down in percentage there will be no concern. I left the appointment feeling rather low than the excitement I usually feel when I get to see pictures of the baby. I guess as a mom I can't help but be concerned and wonder if I am doing something wrong and not providing enough for my baby. It doesn't help the situation that someone I know just had a baby that was born very small due to a condition called Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Here is a brief description that I pulled off the Internet.

Itrauterine growth restriction refers to the poor growth of a baby while in the womb. Specifically, it refers to a fetus whose weight is below the 10th percentile for its gestational age.
  • Currently pregnant with a feeling that the baby is not as big as it should be
  • Uterine fundal height less than expected for gestational age

IUGR increases the risk for intrauterine death. If this condition is suspected, the pregnant woman will be closely monitored with several pregnancy ultrasounds to measure the baby's growth, movements, blood flow, and fluid around the baby. Non-stress testing will also be done. Depending on the results of these tests, delivery may be necessary.

The girl I know who just gave birth to a baby with this condition was born about 4 weeks early and was only about 2lbs or so. She seems to be doing well but will have to stay in the hospital for awhile. I did talk with my doctor about this and he said I did not have any of the risk factors so it is very unlikely. It is probably just a small baby. I know I can't do anything right now and I am trying to be positive on the fact that everything else looked so good. I know there are so many worse situations that I could have left that doctor's office with but I think every mother just wants to hear that everything looks awesome and is right on track. So for those of you that have seen me lately and think I still look very small for being over the half way point, you are very right. I just ask that this baby be in your prayers and that I next ultrasound shows that it is still growing at a good rate. That is all we can do right now.

Here are some pictures of baby K#2

Yes this baby has big feet which explains the consent kicking that I am feeling. The tech measured the foot and it was the same size as the baby's femur:)


Jill said…
We will be praying for Baby K....I'm sure he/she is just perfect though! I can't believe you are half way through already! The ultrasound pics are great.
Marcia Bosma said…
Hey Jo,

When I saw your ultrasound pics on Facebook, I didn't know the rest of the story. We'll definitely pray that all will be well. I understand where you're coming from - even though the doctors try to be reassuring, it's hard to walk out of an ultrasound with the big questions hanging over you. It looks like all the parts are there and baby is very active - so exciting to see this new little life inside of you! Remember there were concerns with Cecelia's kidneys? And here she is, so awesome and perfect - and God even gave you a big surprise because you figured she was a boy! Thanks for sharing though and we will definitely pray that in 4 weeks, things are right on track.

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