You know the age old question, Are you allergic to anything? From now on we get to say, yes amoxicillin for Eloise. She started on the antibiotic last Monday to try to clear up some fluid in her left ear. On Sunday night before she went to bed I notice a small rash on her upper back and behind her ear. When she got up on Monday morning the rash had spread to her entire back, neck and hairline. I keep and eye on it all day and by the middle of the day I noticed it had spread some more. I made a call to the doctors office and had an appointment for the next day. They didn't see any immediate need since she didn't appear to be in any distress with it. Later in the night as I checked on her while she was sleeping I noticed the rash had gotten worse. It was starting to make me nervous. I took a picture of her face and emailed it to some friends that work with peds to see what they thought.

My PA friend who works in our pediatric office recommend I give her a some dose of benadryl and call the after hours service. Mostly because she did have a fever but I believe that was due to the cold she had. I did call and talked with the doctor on call and he felt from what I told him that it might be a rash from the cold virus she was fighting. He didn't feel there was a need to bring her in that night. The benadryl did seem to take the redness away and she was sleeping fine. I started to do a little research online and typed in rash due to amoxicillin. I came across some pictures of allergic reactions to the antibiotic that looked very similar. Trey is allergic to penicillin so I would not be surprised is that was what it was. In the morning the rash looked better but was still there. I decided to see if I was right with allergy to amoxicillin and take some before and after pictures.
Rash on her back |
Face before getting her morning dose of antibiotics |
After waking up from her morning nap and about two hours after taking amoxicillin |
When she woke from her nap I knew my suspicion was right. Eloise was allergic to amoxicillin. Our appointment was at noon and I was kind of glad that her reaction was at its peak. This way the doctor would be able to see it fully and have it documented in her chart. So off we went to the doctors which he confirmed the she was having a reaction to the antibiotic. He was also able to check our her ears and confirm that she does not have any ear infections at this point. Which then we discussed the next step to see if the fluid was gone. He gave us a referral back to the hearing center to have another test done. If this test again comes back flat lined in the left ear we will be sent to and ENT to find the cause of the fluid. As for the rash, we are not giving her any more amoxicillin and it will go away over the next few days. If she needs a antibiotic in the future they will just prescribe her a different one and see how that goes.