One Year Old
Cecelia is officially a one year old and I am a mother of a one year old!! We had Cecelia's birthday party on Sunday with family and close friends. It was a great time and Cecelia did very well. Pictures of the party are posted below. On Monday (Her actually birthday) Trey took a vacation day and the three of us stayed at home all day just hanging out and playing with her new toys. It was such a great day.
Yesterday we went for her one year checkup at the doctors. She is doing very well and hitting or exceeding all her milestones. Her are her stats:
Height: 30.25 in (91%)
Weight: 22 lbs (68%)
Weight: 22 lbs (68%)
I looked at my baby book to see how we compare and the closest checkup I had was at 14 months and I was 20lbs and 30in. So I think she has some of her dad in her. I was kind of peanut as a child.
Trey and I decided our party theme was "Homemade". So here is the back of Cece's homemade birthday shirt.
Cecelia's homemade birthday cake custom made into the number 1.
Cecelia gift from us.