Dr. Appointment - 25 weeks 2 days
On Friday we had our normal 4 week doctor's appointment with a follow up ultrasound to see how Baby K was growing. We started with the ultrasound and found that the baby did grow from 11 oz to 1lbs 5 oz but was still behind the average. We are alternating between two due dates of Jan. 29th and Feb 3rd. The Jan 29th date was the original due date based on the calendar. The Feb 3rd date comes from the first ultrasound done at 9 weeks showing the baby about 5 days behind. I due feel the Feb 3rd date is more accurate. So the ultrasound done at our last visit was based on the Jan. date and showed the baby at 2 weeks behind. This ultrasound was based on the Feb. date and still showed the baby at 2 weeks behind (so really 2 weeks and 5 days behind using the Jan. date). So although the baby has grown it is still falling farther behind the norm. I could tell from the ultrasound tech that there was going to be some concern because she kept telling us that the doctor will talk with us more about it and did not want to get into details of what she was reading from the computer. We meet with Dr. Avery this visit. I have seen Dr. Avery but meet with Dr. Hickner at our last visit. I am very comfortable with both doctors and probably like them the most out of all the doctors in our practice. Dr. Avery reviewed the results of the ultrasound and measured me. I am still measuring behind by 3 weeks also. She revealed to us that the ultrasound put the baby at the 13% for its gestational age and this was using the Feb. date. It would be even lower if we used the Jan. date. If you remember from my previous post, babies in less than the 10% are considered to have Intrauterine Growth Retardation, or more commonly called Fetal Growth Restriction. She told us she is going to send us to a High Risk OB to get a more in depth ultrasound and meet with the doctors there. She said that because I have none of the risk factors for IUGR we may never know why the baby is growing at a smaller pace. This next ultrasound will take a closer look at everything in the womb though in hopes of finding an answer. Some of the reasons for IUGR are from the placenta not supplying enough nutrients, a problem with the umbilical cord or something wrong with the baby that did not show up on the normal ultrasound. She did try to prepare us for what could be in store if the baby continued to not grow at a good pace. She said to be prepared that the doctors may recommend bed rest in the future. I looked up the reason for bed rest in a case such as this and it was said to be to increase circulation. I assume this is to reduce your body from taking blood away from the baby when you are active, but that is just an educated guess. The other thing we might be facing is delivering the baby early. From what I have read, when the baby stops growing they feel it is safer for the baby to be taken early and given nutrients outside the womb. I appreciate Dr. Avery trying to prepare us for what could come but of course all I thought about for the last two days is what that would mean for us. The doctor said I will most likely still come to the doctor's office for my routine visits but I would be doing follow up ultrasounds at the specialist's until the baby is born. My office is suppose to call us on Monday to setup the appointment with the High Risk Ob. I am going to see Dr. Balaskas of the Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates on East Paris. I have been to their office one other time for a more detailed ultrasound when I was pregnant with Cecelia but never actually saw the doctor. So now we are just in the wait, see and pray stage. There is nothing more I can do until I see the specialist and get his opinion.