Girls Check Up

Last week Cecelia went in for her 3 year checkup and Eloise for her 1 year.  Daddy was able to meet us there which was a great thing.  I could not have done it by myself.

Eloise went first weighing in at a whopping 15lbs 14oz and measuring 28 inches long with a head circumference of 17 inches.  On the growth chart for 12 months this puts her not on the chart for weight, 13% for height and 5% for head.  The doctor told us we can start giving her whole milk and cheeses which will help to increase her calorie and fat intake.  She had three shots, one in each arm and a thigh.  Eloise was not a fan of those.  We also discussed her latest hearing screening at Early On which came back with a referral twice on her left ear. Her right ear passed both times.  He put a referral into DeVos Children's Audiology department.  She had passed her hearing screenings at the hospital so we are not that worried but want to get it checked out just to see what might be going on.  Other than that she is doing great and will go back at 15 months. 

At home we stopped giving her a bottle and switched over to a sippy cup.  She still has formula in her cup and will switch over to milk once we run out of formula.  She is doing great with the cup.  She did not like the first one we gave her but we tried a different brand that we had here and she did great.  She has not had a bottle all week.  She also likes to self feed so we try to give her as much table food as we can depending on what we are eating at the time.  Eloise is getting fast at crawling and loves to follow Cecelia around the house.  She has also started to slowly walk along furniture but does not stand on her own.  Actually the other morning, we witnessed her try to stand up in the middle of the room.  She did get on both feet and balance in a squat for a few seconds and then put her butt in the air with only one hand barely touching the floor.  She wasn't trying to stand up but moving positions.  We were completely amazed at what she was doing since she has not even attempted to stand on her own even by furniture.  She is still between one and two naps a day but I think she is transitioning into one long nap.  Her bottom one tooth has broken the skin and I can see the other tooth is not far behind.  Her words are still limited to baba and dada with a mama every few weeks.  She likes to talk and hear herself and is pretty loud for such a small thing.

Cecelia was weighed at 34 pounds and measured 37 inches. This puts her opposite of her sister on the charts at 80% for weight and 39% for height.  The doctor was again amazed at her speaking ability and said at 3 yrs old it is good if we are able to understand 50% of what a child says.  If you know Cecelia you can understand about 99% of what she says and she talks alot!  We went in telling Cecelia that she was not going to get any shots since they typically don't but found out otherwise.  A shot she was suppose to get last year was on a nation wide shortage so she had to get that one and the PCV7 shot was upgraded to a  PCV13 so she needed a booster for that.  Let's just say Cecelia was not happy with that information.  She fought us very hard about this and asked to go home.  Basically we held her down so the nurse could give them to her.  I felt bad about doing this but there was going to be no rationalizing with her no matter how long we tried and we weren't leaving there without her shots.  Cecelia being the drama queen she is played it for quite awhile.  Trey ended up taking her out of the room so we could give Eloise her shots.  Even at home she continued to play it up saying she needed to sit on the couch and watch tv becasue her leg hurt too bad.  All day she kept saying she doesn't like shots but by the night she told me that shots aren't too bad.  At least we won't need any more until next fall for flu season but maybe we can do just do the nasal mist and avoid the drama.  Everything else checked out good and we scheduled another appointment for next December when she is 4. 

On the home front Cecelia is growing up before our eyes.  She is a very independent toddler.  Taking showers, getting dressed, going potty, brushing her teeth, and playing all by herself.  She is a nonstop talker and likes to make up stories and songs.  Her memory just amazes us.  She can say the entire Lords Prayer by herself, sings many songs throughout the day and recalls things that happened months ago. We are constently getting comments from people that meet her for the first time about how she talks so much older and how funny she is. In a group of kids her age she tends to be a leader and not a follower.  It is funny to watch kids follow her around on a playground or the house.  I like her independence but will be curious to see how that works when she goes to preschool and has to work with other kids.  We are going to try to get her in to the Spanish immersion preschool through FHPS for the fall.  The Spanish immersion school has a class for kids that are 3 at the start of school and one for kids that are 4 by Dec. 1.  So the plan is to get her into the 3 year old class this year and continue with the 4 year old class the following year.  They only have 16 spots for the 3 year old class so there is no guarantee she will get in.  The preschool is every day from 8:15-10:45a which seems like a lot for a 3 year old but we do feel she is ready and will do great.  It may be mom that is not ready to let her go and grow up:)


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