Drive-Thru Difference

If you listen to WCSG you will know what the drive-thru difference is, if not here is the scoop. WCSG, a christian radio station out of Cornerstone University gave their listeners a challenge a year or so ago to pay for the order of the person behind you. It is kind of like the movie Pay it Forward. Well today I experienced what it was like to be on the receiving end. I was at a Starbucks drive-thru and when I got to the window to pay the lady said I was all set the person in the car before me had already paid for my coffee. Since I listen to WCSG I knew what was going on but I was still surprised and extremely grateful. I just can't imagine what someone who didn't know the challenge would think. I am not very good at doing this type of stuff. I think this is a great challenge but have never taken part in it. I feel now that since I have been on the receiving end I need to step up and be on the giving end. My challenge this week will be to do the drive-thru difference. I will report back when I have finished the challenge.


Marcia Bosma said…
That's cool! Did the person in the window say anything about why the person ahead of you had done it? Obviously you knew why they did, but I'm curious if they said anything specific or handed you a note or anything? I've never done it either and I really should!

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