Help! She just turned 7 months and is standing up in her crib already!!

So I just went into Cecelia's room to find out why she was crying instead on taking a nap. To my surprise I walked in the door to see Cecelia staring back at me. She was standing in her crib. (See picture) Now this morning I witnessed her pulling up to kneeling by her using the ledge on her crib rail that allows the side to fold down. While I was there she tried to pull up to standing but was unsuccessful do to the curved top of the rail. I figured that would be to hard for her so I didn't have to worry about it. I knew she was a very determined child but I guess I underestimated just how determined she was. So the cry that I was checking on was a cry of frustration because she can't get back down once she is up unless she falls. Which leads me to my help cry. Now I have to worry about her standing in her crib and then falling and hitting her head when she can't get down. If anyone has any suggestions for this dilemma, I am all ears.

PS. The bed does not go any lower:(


Marcia Bosma said…
That little stinker! She is definitely a mover! I don't have any good advice for you! Luke was the kind of baby that wouldn't try things until he knew he could master it both safely and in the right way (type A traits coming through already...). I sort of remember him starting to stand up in his crib, but he always could lower himself back down. Same thing with cruising on furniture - he only did it once he knew how to lower himself back to the floor. Good luck!

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