15 Months

Cecelia turned 15 months yesterday and we went for her checkup today.  She is doing very well.  She weighed in at 23lbs 8 ozs and was almost 31 inches long.  That puts her in the 60-70% for both.  She even demonstrated her upper body strength for the doctor by pulling herself up onto the chair.  I think he was a little shocked to see that and even more shocked when I told him she had climbed out of her crib.  She does have another yeast infection going on and patches of eczema on her back and legs.  I think she is always going to have extra sensitive skin.  I am going to start looking for a good mild soap/shampoo for her.  I think the Johnson and Johnson stuff may be too drying for her and the soap is not good for the yeast infection.  If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.  Considering all the other problems I could be facing with a young child I will take these.  I just feel back for Cecelia that she has to deal with them.  She did also get two shots today which she did better with than I expected.  She did her typical hold her breath cry when she first got them but only cried for about a minute.  Much less time than last time we got shots.  We her new found over dramatization I was expecting much more.  We are good for another three months now.

Here are some recent pictures of her.
Playing outside for the first time this year.  She wasn't sure of the grass at first but now she always wants to go outside.


Marcia Bosma said…
Luke had really dry skin as a baby, and now Lauren does too. I've never used anything fancy for baby soap, but I've always kept a big pump-style bottle of Cetaphil lotion on hand and use it quite a bit to keep baby skin softer - especially after baths. When certain patches get really bad, I use aquaphor - especially on the face - like when Lauren has wind burn on her already-dry face. It's kinda sticky like vaseline almost, but it works really well. I have samples of both if you want to try either....

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