3 Months Old

This face just melts my heart

Today is Eloise's 3 month birthday. She weights 8lbs 12.8oz and is 20 3/4 inches long. She is still wearing newborn clothing but slowly progressing into 0-3 months. It really depends on the brand. She is doing great and has been without any illnesses over these winter months which is amazing. Eloise is smiling and has learned that she has a voice which is so cute to listen to her coo. She loves to watch Cecelia and tends to stop crying when Cecelia goes over to her and talks with her. Cecelia has been a great big sister and is always giving Eloise her nook when she cries.

As a follow up on my last post about sleeping. Eloise is still doing well sleeping at night. She goes down for the night around 10pm, wakes to feed sometime between 3:30-4:30a and then goes back to sleep until about 8:30-9:00a. I can't complain since she is still the size of a newborn and still only takes 2-3 ounces of formula at a time.

3 Month Picture

Eloise and I went for our first walk during the nice weather last week. Cecelia was at Grandpa and Grandma's so it was just the two of us. A woman commented that it looked like I was pushing a doll so I had to stop and show her it Eloise. I didn't want to look like a crazy woman in the neighborhood!!
Just because I am cute!!

3 Month Pictures
Cecelia Leigh Eloise Joy
3-22-08 3-24-10
13lbs 10oz 8lbs 13oz
24 inches 20 3/4 inches


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