9 Month Check Up

Cecelia went in for her 9 month checkup today. It is a week early but I don't think much will change in a week. I am happy to report that she is doing very well. I was able to answer yes to all the doctors questions on what she is doing. Is she crawling..yes, pulling to standing...yes, cruising around furniture...yes, babbling with dada, mama, baba...nonstop, eating food with her hands...only way she will eat. Then I got to add that she is climbing the stairs, starting to stand on her own and drinks from a sippy cup.

Her stats are as follows:

Weight - 20lbs 1oz 76%
Height - 28.25in 81%
Head Circumference - 17.5in or 44cm 50%

We also scheduled our flu shots today. So we will go back in October and November to get those. Since she hasn't had one yet they do two half doses a month apart.

It is hard to believe that 9 months has already passed and that we scheduled her one year checkup already. If the first year goes by this fast I can't even image how fast it keeps going.


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