Amniocentesis Results

This morning the doctor's office called to give us the results of the amnio we had last week. The fast test reviews three of the most common chromosomal disorders trisomy 13, 18 and 21 (down syndrome). Our prayers were answered and all three came back normal. They will still do a more extensive test to review all of the chromosomes but problems with the other chromosomes are more unlikely and not usually seen this far into a pregnancy. Most problems with other chromosomes results in miscarriages early in the pregnancy.
So now the doctors want me to get another blood draw today to test for any virus's that I may have contracted that may be contributing to the baby small growth. I believe at this point that we will be doing any tests that may find a reason until either we find something or rule everything out.
So everything is status quo for now in regards to reduced activity and I will be back at the office on Thursday for the doppler ultrasound.


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