The Baby is Coming!

Trey is currently updating this as I am in laying comfortable in the bed with the help of an epidural. Last night (12/23/09) Dr. Balaskas came in to do a routine visit to check doppler ultrasound on the umbilical cord and middle cerebral artery in the brain (routine check). He also did another biophysical profile and the baby continued to score perfect, however with his averaging of the baby's size, he still estimated the baby's weight at 3lbs 8oz (no growth since 12/17/09). He also saw a benign cyst near the baby's bladder than he was not at all concerned about, but this gave him an opportunity/reason call his wife Dr. C and discuss. He came back to the room to tell us we are moving the delivery process to NOW. They moved us to the labor and delivery room and were able to keep our stuff in the room we had learned to call home for the past week. Needless to say, Jodi was very excited to have the process started early. They then started her on Cervadil (spelling) to soften her cervix around 9:30pm. This kicked in right away and it started cramping and then soon strong contractions. Around 2:45 am on Christmas Eve (thurs) they gave her a 1st round of Stadol. With this she was able to get about 2hrs of sleep. Then it wore off, contractions were strong, and they gave her another. Again, it lasted about 2 hrs before it wore off. She handled some strong contractions from 6-8, and Dr. Hickner came in, checked her cervix at 3cm and decided to break her water at about 8:30. She had stronger contractions then until about 10:00-10:15, the fairy god mother, I mean Anaesthesiologist started her epidural. This relaxed her quite a bit. She is currently able to move in bed, but not feel the contractions that are hitting her about every 4 minutes. Last checked at about 11:45am, she is 5cm dialated, and they are planning to give a small dose of pitocin to get the contractions closer together. This baby may be able to slide out before she reaches 10 cm because they are estimating the baby's head to be approximately 9cm in diameter!! More to come. They just started the Pitocin at 12:20pm!!!!!!!!!!!


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