Monday Night/Tuesday Morning

After a restful afternoon I was wonderfully distracted with great visitors for the night. Our neighbors Craig and Cheri and their son Will came up after work to visit and share dinner with us. Dinner was provided to us by our wonderful babysitter Hannah who had watched Cecelia for the day while Trey worked. She made chicken parmesan and her awesome rolo cookies. It was so great to be able to have a normal dinner and sit and talk with others. My friends Marcia and Janice also came up and we chatted for awhile. Before I knew it is was 9pm. It is amazing how fast time can go when you have people to chat with.

I also received a surprise visit from Dr. Balaska's and Dr. Cumminsky at 9pm just when Marcia and Janice were leaving. I was very shocked to see him and thought the night might get interesting. He wanted to do a follow up ultrasound from this morning because a few of the numbers he saw from the mornings scan seemed lower than they had been. He said he wasn't overly concerned, otherwise I would have been delivered by now, but wanted to double check things. He did another ultrasound and everything showed great again and the initial numbers he was concerned about had returned to normal and he saw no problems with them. So we will continue on the same plan of starting delivery on Friday.

Dr. B just stopped by again this morning to check on me and see how things are going. My NST's are still looking great. He restated that we will do a repeat ultrasound tomorrow and plan on starting induction on Friday afternoon/evening.

Today is Cecelia's 2nd birthday. Trey brought her up for a quick visit this morning and she was so cute in her birthday dress and hat. The nurses just get a kick out of her. Trey is taking her to Fredrick Meijer Gardens to look at the Christmas trees then lunch and a nap. After her nap he will bring her back up to the hospital and we are going to go down to the cafeteria and have dinner. After dinner we will come back up to the room and do cake and some presents from us. It should be a fun evening. Cecelia is so funny when she leaves my room. As she is leaving she turns around and looks at me and with her had out she says "Momma stay". She really is an amazing child and we are so luckily to have a child that is so adaptive to different situations.


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